Nicola Goldsmith
Occupational Therapist, Specialist Hand Therapist

Clinical Experience
- Highly experienced occupational therapist in the field of Hand Therapy
- Specialist in management of musicians with hand pathologies
- Built and led private hand and wrist services from scratch into large, multi-site commercially viable businesses within the private hospital sector. Responsible for recruitment, staff performance management and retention, development of the consultant body, marketing, finance and clinical leadership, mentoring and training
- Proven track record in project management e.g. delivery of development plan for large London NHS hand unit, setting up Ukraine initiative
- Partner and co-founder of NES Hand Therapy Training, a highly regarded international specialist teaching company providing hand therapy education
- Highly focused and task driven, patient centred approach
Presentations at the following recent congresses: Spanish hand meeting April 2024, Japanese hand meeting 2023, Polish and French hand meetings 2022, IFSHT London 2022, Berlin 2019, Scandinavian Hand Surgeons and Hand Therapists, Tallinn 2019
Performing Arts and Music Association Annual Congress. The success of a prevention and awareness programme in the harp department at a London Conservatoire. London July 2024.
Mutalib et al “Interrater Reliability and Normative Grip Strength of UK Population using GripAble” JHT in publication 2024
Mutalib et al “Modernising grip dynamometry: Inter-instrument reliability between GripAble and Jamar. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2022 Jan 24;23(1):80 doi: 10.1186/s12891-022-05026-0
GripAble: An accurate, sensitive and robust digital device for measuring grip strength. J Rehabil Assist Technol Eng. 2022 Mar 1;9:20556683221078455. Doi: 10.1177/20556683221078455
UK Primary Care and Public Health Conference - Splinting the rheumatoid hand, 2015
Goldsmith N, (2011) Dupuytren’s Disease – Finally a new way forwards?. National Association of Primary Care Review Autumn/Winter 2011/12: 36-37
Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand and Hand Therapy Congress, Lausanne, 2008. Speaker “Overview of treatments for finger stiffness” and round table discussion
Primus RS Annual Training Day, IPRS, 2007 & 2008
Lectures and workshops: Use of PrimusRS for assessment & treatment of upper limb disorders
Royal Society of Medicine, GP section, Annual Study Week 2007
Lecture: “Common conditions of the Hand and Wrist”
Workshop: “Practical tips for G.P.s managing hand problems”
Royal Society of Medicine, Occupational Medicine section, Annual Study Week 2007
Lecture: “Treatment of Work Related Upper Limb Disorders”
International Federation of Societies of Hand Therapy, Edinburgh, 2004
Presentation “Hand Therapy Post Graduate Education, the British Experience”
Goldsmith N, Juzl E, (1998) Inter-rater reliability of two trained raters using a goniometer for the measurement of finger joints. British Journal of Hand Therapy 3(2): 11-12
S O’Leary, M.A. Grobbelaar, N Goldsmith, P Smith and D Harrison, (1997) Trapeziometacarpal arthritis: a review of the Helal silicone rubber ball spacer. Journal of Hand Surgery (British and European Volume), Vol. 22, No. Suppl 1, 45
Goldsmith N (1996) “MUD Splint” British Journal of Hand Therapy June (2) 4:10-12
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