Mr Keith Duncan
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

Clinical Experience
Current Appointment
- Consultant in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Fetal Medicine based at the Portland Hospital London
- MBChB 1989 University of Leeds
- MRCOG 1993 RCOG London
- FRCOG 2018 RCOG London
- CCST 2000, Specialist Training Authority
- Registered Subspecialist in Maternal and Fetal Medicine
- Doctor of Medicine 2001, University of Nottingham
Fetal Medicine Experience
- Subspecialty Accreditation in Maternal and Fetal Medicine 1999, Queen Charlottes and Chelsea Hospital, London
- 22 years as Obstetric and Fetal Medicine Consultant in NHS Teaching hospitals delivering >4000 infants per year
- Over 1000 CVS and 1000 amniocenteses performed, with an associated fetal loss <0.5% excluding TOPs
- Practical experience of in utero therapy such as transfusion and shunt insertion
Academic achievements
MRC funded Research Fellow leading to MD thesis on fetal and placental MRI
18 original research publications in: Lancet (2 papers), American Journal of Physiology, BMJ, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, BJOG, Placenta, British Journal of Radiology and Journal of SGI
54 abstracts and invited presentations at home and abroad
William Blair Bell Memorial Lectureship 1999
Teaching Experience
Undergraduate Obstetrics and Gynaecology teaching and examination organiser when Lecturer at University Nottingham.
Extensive experience of Junior Staff development.
Registered Trainer for the RCOG/RCR Ultrasound Diploma.
RCOG Tutor for 3 years.
Committee Membership
RCOG Council South West elected representative 2001-2004
RCOG Council London Members elected representative 2004-2010
BAPM executive Committee Member 2003-2006
Management Experience
Obstetric Service Director Chelsea and Westminster Hospital 2009-2012, 2014-2019.
RCOG Tutor 2019-2021
Appraiser from2 013 12 Consultants annual appraisals during this time
Medicolegal Experience
I have provided reports for obstetrics cases only such as cerebral palsy, shoulder dystocia, multiple pregnancy, antenatal and postnatal care. I average approximately 20 Clinical Negligence cases per year. 3
Criminal cases: I have provided reports for the Police for a serious sexual offence, sexual assault. I have acted as a witness at the Coroners court, and have acted as an expert Witness for the GMC. I also accept personal injury cases and legal aid cases.
My defendant / claimant ratio is approximately 60 : 40.
Original scientific research in peer review journals
- KR Duncan, PN Baker, PA Gowland, B Issa, R Moore, B Worthington, IR Johnson. The demonstration of changes in fetal liver erythropoiesis using echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging. American Journal of Physiology 1997; 273:G965-967.
- C Myers, KR Duncan, PA Gowland, IR Johnson, PN Baker. Failure to detect intrauterine growth restriction following in utero exposure to MRI. British Journal of Radiology. 1998; 71:549-551.
- KR Duncan, P Gowland, S Francis, R Moore, PN Baker and IR Johnson. The investigation of placental relaxation and estimation of placental perfusion using echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging. Placenta 1998; 19:539-43.
- ST Francis, KR Duncan, RJ Moore, PN Baker, IR Johnson, PA Gowland. Non-invasive mapping of placental perfusion. Lancet 1998; 351:1397-99.
- PA Gowland, A Freeman, B Issa, KR Duncan, RJ Moore, PN Baker, RW Bowtell, IR Johnson and BS Worthington. In vivo relaxation time measurements in the human placenta using echo-planar imaging at 0.5T. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 1998; 16:241-247.
- PA Gowland, ST Francis, KR Duncan, AJ Freeman, B Issa, RJ Moore, RW Bowtell, PN Baker, IR Johnson BS Worthington. In vivo perfusion measurements in the human placenta using echo-planar imaging at 0.5T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1998;40: 467-73.
- KR Duncan, PA Gowland, A Freeman, B.Issa, R.Moore, PN Baker, IR Johnson. The changes in magnetic resonance properties of the fetal lungs: a first result and a potential tool for the non-invasive in utero demonstration of fetal lung maturation. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1999; 106:122-125.
- KR Duncan, PA Gowland, R Moore, PN Baker, IR Johnson. Assessment of fetal lung growth in utero using echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging. Radiology 1999;210:197-200.
- TG Overton, ML Denbow, KR Duncan, NM Fisk. First trimester cord entanglement in monoamniotic twins. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1999;13:140-42.
- ML Denbow, Duncan KR, TG Overton, P Cox, NM Fisk. High failure rate of umbilical vessel occlusion by ultrasound guided injection of absolute alcohol or enbrucrilate gel. Prenatal Diagnosis 1999;19:527-32.
- J Hykin, R Moore, KR Duncan, S Clare, P Baker, I Johnson, R Bowtell, P Mansfield, P Gowland. Fetal brain activity demonstrated by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Lancet 1999;354:645-6.
- JMA Texeira, KR Duncan, E Letsky, NM Fisk. The prediction of Middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity does not predict fetal anaemia in Rh alloimmunization. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000;15:205-208.
- M Taylor, ML Denbow, KR Duncan, TG Overton, NM Fisk. Antenatal factors at diagnosis that predict outcome in twin-twin transfusion syndrome American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2000;183:1023-8.
- H Clements, KR Duncan, K Fielding, P Gowland, I Johnson, P Baker. Infants exposed to MRI in utero have a normal paediatric assessment at nine months of age. British Journal of Radiology 2000;73, 190-194.
- P Johnson, KR Duncan, S Blunt, G Bell, Z Ali, P Cox, GE Moore. Confined placental mosaicism of trisomy 16 and multiple fetal anomalies. Prenatal Diagnosis 2000; 20:417-421.
- Moore RJ, Strachan BK, Tyler DJ, Duncan KR, Baker PN, Worthington BS, Johnson IR, Gowland PA. In utero perfusing fraction maps in normal and growth restricted pregnancy measured using IVIM echo-planar MRI. Placenta 2000;21:726-32.
- KR Duncan, DA Sahota, PA Gowland, R Moore, AMZ Chang, PN Baker, IR Johnson. Multi-level modelling of fetal and placental growth using echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of the Society of Gynaecological Investigation 2001;8:285-90.
- TG Overton, KR Duncan, M Jolly, E Letsky, NM Fisk. Serial aggressive platelet transfusion for fetal alloimmune thrombocytopenia: platelet dynamics and perinatal outcome. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2002;186;826-31.
Research Letters in peer review journals
- KR Duncan, PN Baker, IR Johnson, PA Gowland. Treat patients with kindness during magnetic resonance imaging. British Medical Journal 1996;312:1421.
- Duncan KR, Baker PN, Johnson IR. Estimation of fetal lung volume using enhanced 3-dimensional ultrasound: a new method and first result British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1997;104:971-2.
- Duncan KR, Baker PN, Johnson IR. Complementary role of echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging and 3-dimensional ultrasound in fetal lung assessment. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1997;177:244-5.
Invited peer reviewed articles
- KR Duncan The development of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 1996; 55:178-81.
- KR Duncan, PA Gowland, PN Baker, IR Johnson. Placental Magnetic Resonance Relaxation. Contemporary Reviews in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 1997;9:43-48.
- KR Duncan, ML Denbow, NM Fisk. The aetiology and management of twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Prenatal Diagnosis 1997;17:1227-1236.
- KR Duncan, P Johnson. The use of ultrasound in the detection of fetal chromosomal abnormalities. Postgraduate Doctor 1999;15:16-20.
- KR Duncan, P Johnson. Smoking in Pregnancy. The Obstetrican and Gynaecologist 2001.
- KR Duncan. Fetal and placental volumetric and functional analysis using echo-planar imaging. Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2001;12:52-66.
First author abstracts
- KR Duncan Hyperemesis gravidarum and thyrotoxicosis: cause or effect? Transactions of North of England Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society: Vol 3 1993.
- KR Duncan Unexplained intra peritoneal haemorrhage associated with pregnancy. Transactions of North of England Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society: Vol 5 1995.
- KR Duncan, PN Baker, PA Gowland, B Issa, R Moore, and IR Johnson. Echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging; a new method for demonstrating fetal hepatic physiology. Clinical Science 1996; 91, 4P.
- KR Duncan, PN Baker, PA Gowland, B Issa, R Moore, and IR Johnson. Echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging: a new method for demonstrating the dynamics of fetal haematopoiesis. Proceedings of British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society Warwick, England April 1996.
- KR Duncan, PN Baker, PA Gowland, B Issa, R Moore, and IR Johnson. The demonstration of uterine artery blood flow using echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging. Proceedings of British Maternal and Fetal Medicine Society Warwick, England April 1996.
- KR Duncan, PN Baker, PA Gowland, B Issa, R Moore, B Worthington, IR Johnson. The use of echo-planar imaging to demonstrate changes in fetal liver physiology. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine New York, USA April 1996; vol1:158.
- KR Duncan, PN Baker, PA Gowland, B Issa, R Moore, B Worthington, IR Johnson. A novel approach to estimation of flow within the uterine artery. Hypertension in Pregnancy 1997 ;16:305.
- KR Duncan, PN Baker, PA Gowland, B Issa, R Moore, B Worthington, IR Johnson. The demonstration of placental perfusion using magnetic resonance imaging. Hypertension in Pregnancy 1997;16:306.
- KR Duncan, PN Baker, PA Gowland, RW Bowtell, R Moore, , IR Johnson, B Worthington. Changes in fetal liver physiology demonstrated by echo-planar imaging. British Journal of Radiology 1997.
- KR Duncan, PN Baker, PA Gowland, B Issa, R Moore, B Worthington, IR Johnson. Placental magnetic resonance relaxation: a novel tool for fetal assessment. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1997;104:635.
- KR Duncan, PA Gowland, R Moore, IR Johnson. PN Baker. Investigation of normal fetal growth parameters using echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound. Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 1997;4 (1Suppl):528.
- KR Duncan, PA Gowland, R Moore, IR Johnson. PN Baker. Measurement of placental magnetic resonance in pregnancy: a novel non-invasive method for the identification of fetal compromise. Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 1997;4 (1Suppl):477.
- KR Duncan, PA Gowland, R Moore, IR Johnson. PN Baker. The changes in placental magnetic resonance with gestational age: a tool for the identification of growth restriction? Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1997;17:S11.
- KR Duncan, PA Gowland, R Moore, IR Johnson. PN Baker. Monitoring fetal lung maturation using echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1997;17:S29.
- KR Duncan, PA Gowland, R Moore, IR Johnson. PN Baker. Monitoring fetal growth:the old and the new. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1997;17:S30.
- KR Duncan, PA Gowland, B Issa, R Moore, B Worthington, PN Baker, IR Johnson. Amniotic fluid estimation in two and three dimensions. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1997;104:866.
- KR Duncan, PA Gowland, R Moore, P Baker, I Johnson. The demonstration of fetal lung maturation using a novel non-invasive technique. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 1997;76:S167:5:15.
- KR Duncan, PA Gowland, R Moore, P Baker, I Johnson British Maternal and Non-invasive imaging of placental perfusion in normal pregnancies and in pregnancies complicated by intra-uterine growth restriction Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1998;18:S33.
- KR Duncan, PA Gowland, R Moore, P Baker, I Johnson. Fetal lung growth assessment using echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1998;18:S34.
- KR Duncan, PA Gowland, R Moore, PN Baker, IR Johnson. Longitudinal assessment of fetal lung growth using echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 1998; 5 (1Suppl):153A
- KR Duncan, S Francis, P Gowland, I Johnson, P Baker. Non-invasive imaging of placental perfusion in normal and growth restricted pregnancies British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1998; 105 (S17:28th British Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology):118.
- KR Duncan, DS Sahota, AMZ Chang, PA Gowland, I Johnson, PN Baker. Normal fetal and placental growth defined using echo-planar MRI. Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 1999; 6(Supplement):89A.
- KR Duncan, DS Sahota, AMZ Chang, PA Gowland, I Johnson, PN Baker. Asymmetrical fetal organ growth in intrauterine growth restriction: first demonstration using MRI. Journal of the Society for Gynecologic Investigation 1999; 6 (Supplement):184A.
- KR Duncan, T Overton, NM Fisk. The effect of sampling site on fetal middle cerebral artery Doppler waveforms. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1999; 19 (Supplement 1) S34.
- KR Duncan, P Driver, P Stewart, A Warren, JC Brockelsby, PN Baker, MD Kilby. Cortisol is a vasoconstrictor of myometrial vessels; This effect may be controlled by the expression of type 2 11 Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. J Soc gynecol Investig 2000; 7 (Supplement):85A
- KR Duncan, R. Moore, PA Gowland, I Johnson, PN Baker. MRI fetal liver volume to predict liver IUGR. 10th International Conference on prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy, Barcelona 2000; Supplement O18:272.
28 other abstracts as collaborative author have also been presented around the world.
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