Miss Mary O'Brien
Consultant Hand and Plastic Surgeon, MB BS MPhil, FRCS (Eng) FRCS (Plast)

Clinical Experience
Mary O'Brien, Consultant Hand and Plastic Surgeon, MB BS MPhil, FRCS (Eng) FRCS (Plast) is based at Royal Derby Hospital and Pulvertaft Hand Centre. She qualified in 1994 from Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London. Her higher specialist training was completed in Plastic Surgery. Following a Fellowship at the Pulvertaft Hand Centre, she was appointed as a Consultant Plastic & Hand Surgeon in 2008. In October 2020 Mary O’Brien was appointed as President of The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. She is a first female President.
Mary O’Brien qualified in 1994 from Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals, London. Her higher specialist training was completed in Plastic Surgery. Following a Fellowship at the Pulvertaft Hand Centre, she was appointed as a Consultant Plastic & Hand Surgeon in 2008.
In October 2020, Mary O’Brien was appointed as President of The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. She is a first female President.
Current memberships include:
British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
Royal Society of Medicine
Royal College of Surgeons of England
Derby Medical Society
British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
She has a degree in Medical Law & Ethics and recently published her first book “Plastic and Hand Surgery in Clinical Practice.”
Her interests in hand and plastic reconstructive surgery include Dupuytren’s Disease, cubital and carpal tunnel syndrome, tendon reconstruction and degenerative conditions of the hand (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis) trigger finger, ganglions, mucous cysts, release of burns contractures and soft tissue reconstruction.
Book Publication:
O’Brien CM, ~Definitions & Classification in Plastic & Hand Surgery 2009Publisher: Springer Verlag
Book Chapters:
O’Brien CM, Flexor and Extensor Tendon Injuries in the Hand, European textbook ofOrthopaedics & Traumatology (2014)
O’Brien, CM, Jose R, The Congenital Hand European textbook of Orthopaedic & Traumatology (2014)
Journal Publications:
O’Brien CM, Breuing E, Webb J, Balderson D, Nancarrow J, The effect of localanaesthetic on cell culture – a randomised prospective controlled trial, Journal ofPlastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 2007
O’Brien CM, Titley OG, Whitehurst P, A randomised controlled trial for prophylaxisagainst postoperative nausea and vomiting, Anaesthesia 58, 707 – 11 2003 Jul
Khan U, O’Brien CM, Pickford M, The adipofascial radial forearm flap raised throughlimited incisions, British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 55 (5): 412-15 2002 Jul
O’Brien CM, Thorburn G, Sibbel-Linz A, McGregor A. Consent for plastic surgeryprocedures J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2006, 59 (9): 983-9 Epub 2006 May b11
O’Brien CM, Eltigani E, Common peroneal nerve palsy as a possible sequelae ofpoorly fitting below knee thromboembolic deterrent stockings (TEDS) Ann Plast Surg2008 Sep 57 (3) 356-7
O’Brien CM, Moiemen N, Tissue Expanders in Trauma, Trauma 2005, 7: 69-75
Goon P, O’Brien CM, Titley OG, Spontaneous clostridium septicum septic arthritis ofthe shoulder and gas gangrene JBJS (Am) 2005 Apr, 87 (4) 874-7
O’Brien CM, Richard B. A surgeon’s duty in dog bite prevention in children, AnnPlast Surg 2006 Jan 56 (1) 106-7
O’Brien CM, Darley ES, Kelly AJ, Nelson IW, Septic sacroiliitis an unusual presentation of a rare condition, International Journal of Clinical Practice 52 (3)206-7 1998 April-May
O’Brien CM, Hepple S, Khan U, Belcher HRJC The “deadly perfection of nature” –duplicated continents apart! British Journal of Plastic Surgery 53 (5) 451 -452, 2000July
O’Brien CM, Bannister GC, Review of the Exeter Universal Hip Replacement, HipInternational 10 (4) 246 2000
O’Brien CM, Whitworth I, Helme D, Boorman JG, Arnstein PM, Smith RW, A review of the patients’ subjective perspective of microsurgical breast reconstruction,European Plastic Surgery Review September 2001 CD ROM 9th Congress ESPRAS
O’Brien CM. Whitworth I. Helme D, Boorman JG, Arnstein PM, Smith RW, Our experience of microsurgical breast reconstruction in one year, European PlasticSurgery Review, September 2001, CD ROM 9th Congress ESPRAS
Lewis JS, O’Brien CM, Martin DI. The Tie-Over Dressing Refined, Plast Reconstructive Surg 2002 April 109 (4) 1463
O’Brien CM, Belcher HRJC, Imaginary Figures of childhood, an under used resource in plastic surgery British Journal of Plastic Surgery 55 (1) 90-1 2002 Jan
O’Brien CM, Titley OG, Whitehurst P, Prophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting 5th South West Anaesthetic Forum da Balaia Algarve, Portugal Abstract2002 Oct
Webb JB, O’Brien CM, Nishikawa H, John P, Early presentation of an extremity arteriovenous malformation, British Journal of Plastic Surgery 2004, Dec 57 (8)785-8
Whitehurst P, O’Brien CM, Titley OG, Anaesthesia on-line, Correspondence reprophylaxis against postoperative nausea and vomiting
Swindells, O’Brien, Burke, Quinton, Arundell, JPRAS 2011, May 64 (5) 688-9 Theuse of the mini C arm in the outpatient setting, evolving practice
Sharma, Obrien, BML, 2015, 350, h194m Squamous cell carcinoma posing as a fungal nail infection
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